해외자료VUE System at the heart of the Neon Carnival 2023


Neon Carnival 2023 goes all night with VUE Acoustic Linearity Arrays and subs

May 2, 2023

On June 15th, the Neon Carnival made a triumphant return to Coachella Valley, California, to mark 12 years of one of the biggest and most prestigious late-night celebrations of the year. The gathering, which attracts thousands of people and produced by Bolthouse Productions and Best Events (Brent Bolthouse and Jeffrey Best), is three football fields long and features food, games, and music. Neptune Productions returned to support Above The Line and provide sound for the party with numerous VUE Audiotechink arrays and subs to fill the outdoor space.

To cover the audience in front of the stage, the main stage included sixteen (eight on each side) al-12 acoustic linearity line arrays. Sixteen al-8s were utilized in groups of four as out fill delays farther into the crowd, while eight al-8s were employed as rear fill.  Additionally, eight of the mini-al-4 arrays were used as delays.

Ruckus, Kayper, and Mel Debarge, were the featured DJs for Neon Carnival and kept the crowd dancing till the early morning hours with the help of VUE Audiotechnik subwoofers. At the main stage, Neptune deployed sixteen HS221 subs, and twelve more served as sub delays. As monitors, the DJs received HS28 subs and al-4 arrays.

“The VUE system worked flawlessly, it had all the VIP guests partying ’til the wee hours of the morning,” said Raffi Ganoumian of Neptune Productions. The Neon Carnival is one of the most sought-after events since entry is by invitation only. Leonardo DiCaprio, Megan Thee Stallion, Jared Leto, and Timothée Chalamet attended the event from the previous year. 2023’s Carnival was a massive success and boasted a total crowd size of 10,000.  For questions about your events sound reinforcement needs, go to neptuneprod.com.

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