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기본 정보
INOGENI’s HD2USB3 HDMI to USB 3.0 video converter is the most reliable and convenient PC input to capture uncompressed video with audio from your camera's HDMI output for recording, editing, videoconferencing and streaming applications.
The HD2USB3 is a 4K upgradable 1080p60 HDMI to USB 3.0 converter.
How it works
The HD2USB3 HDMI to USB 3.0 video converter features a single HDMI input and USB 3.0 output, and supports SD and HDTV video formats, up to 1200p60, as well as most computer graphic formats. This converter works with any virtual meeting room software that enables USB cameras and microphones, such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or BlueJeans.
Compact and powered directly from a USB 3.0 port, the converter is a practical and easy-to-use USB 3.0 capture solution. It is also UVC-compliant, so it will work with all DirectShow compatible software. The HD2USB3 professional video converter supports 1200p resolution up to 60 fps.
Discover the features of the HD2USB3 HDMI to USB 3.0 professional video converter that offer a stellar user experience:
Plug & Go
INOGENI has developed numerous custom applications with our global partners. Capture, mix and switch without drivers. INOGENI makes everything work together thanks to our professional video converters.
Compatible cameras
This professional camera converter (upgradeable to 4K) is fully compatible with all HDMI cameras, including professional-grade equipment such as Vaddio, Aver or Marshall cameras.