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기본 정보
INOGENI’s U-CAM is an industry first! This camera converter converts USB cameras and audio to HDMI for CODECs, matrixes and displays.
The U-CAM connect USB cameras with or without advanced AI to CODEC's HDMI inputs, thereby optimizing the installed assets. It also helps to achieve better meeting experiences and meeting equity because everyone has access to high-quality images and sound.
What’s more, new smart applications, such as Huddly Canvas for whiteboards, as well as other AI technologies, including face tracking, body movement recognition, automatic zooming, and automatic color and exposition balancing need to leverage the tremendous potential USB and AI USB cameras offer.
How it works
Thanks to its direct connection without drivers, the new U-CAM is a Plug-And-Go device that seamlessly converts the USB camera to HDMI with embedded audio as well as the video loop out on USB 2.0 in MJPEG high-quality format.
It can be controlled on CODEC pads via its RS-232 or LAN connectors. The U-CAM converts USB cameras and USB audio to HDMI for CODECs, matrixes and displays.
Take advantage of the performance of USB cameras without investing in revamping your video conferencing equipment.
Plug & Go
INOGENI has developed numerous custom applications with our global partners. Capture, mix and switch without drivers. INOGENI makes everything work together thanks to our professional converters.
Compatible with all cameras and devices (microphones, etc.)
This pro AV camera converter is fully compatible with all cameras, including professional-caliber equipment such as Vaddio, Huddly, HuddleCAMHD, Aver, Jabra, Logitech, Marshall cameras, and web cameras.